How to Clean Glass Like a Professional?

We know that Brisbane glass — in windows, doors, mirrors, cars, etc — can quickly end up filthy and grimy.

Not to say glass in Brisbane is a dirt magnet, or that the city is overly polluted. Just that, no matter the city, your glass is quickly going to get dirty.

The way professionals go about cleaning windows is as much about avoiding the mistakes as it is about doing the cleaning.

We’ll look at how you can clean windows and mirrors without leaving streaks, as well as which products are best to use.

First, let’s look at the regrettables… mistakes that leave you wondering what went wrong.

Common mistakes cleaning glass in Brisbane

Do not clean in hot sun

Don’t make the mistake of cleaning window glass in blazing sunlight. Cleaning fluid will dry on the hot glass before you can wipe it off, leaving streaks that can prove difficult to remove. Better to leave your efforts until later in the day.

Do not spray cleaner over dirt and dust

Don’t make the mistake of spraying window cleaner while the window frames, screens and sills are dusty. You’ll end up with a muddy mess.

Instead, first sweep or vacuum the dirt away. If the window screen is dusty, take it out. Wash it with soapy water and a soft brush, then rinse and dry, before returning it.

The shades and blinds might also need dusting. Open and wipe slats with a damp cloth followed by a dry one. A microfibre duster will also work well.

It’s also an opportunity to freshen up the curtains. Time your window cleaning efforts to allow you to give the curtains a 15 minute “air-only” cycle in the dryer before immediately rehanging them. Delay would mean the curtains sit in the dryer and become wrinkled.

Do not skimp on window cleaner

Spray liberally on the glass to dissolve and suspend dirt, then wipe well for fewer streaks.

With glass cleaning fluid, a finer mist is more likely to stay where you spray it, meaning less run-off and mess.

Do not use old rags to dry your windows

If you make this mistake, there’ll be lint trails all over the glass. Similarly, paper towel generally breaks apart too readily.

Newspaper works better but it will blacken your hands and can also shred. Wear gloves and watch for shredding, if newspaper is your preferred option.

The best results come from microfibre cloths. They are highly absorbent, washable, and leave glass streak-free.

Do not spray window cleaner on woodwork

Timber frames around mirrors and windows can be damaged by many glass and window cleaning products. Prevent solution dripping onto the wood using cloth, and avoid spraying too heavily. Instead, spray in manageable sections, working from top to bottom of the glass.

How to clean glass step by step

Now we’re done avoiding common mistakes, follow our step-by-step guide to streak-free glass cleaning.

  1. Clean window surrounds, removing dust from window frames, tracks, sills, blinds and shades. It might also be an opportune time take the curtains down and follow the care instructions to wash them.
  2. Remove the insect screens to get rid of more dust. Wash, rinse and dry them completely. While they’re drying, remove loose dirt and dust from the outside of the window frames using a soft brush or cloth.
  3. Spray the glass liberally with glass cleaner solution.
  4. Use microfibre cloth or other lint-free material to wipe the glass from top to bottom. Wipe away streaks, until the glass is clear.
  5. For the outside window glass, repeat steps 3 and 4. The outside glass will usually be more grimy and in need of more intense cleaning.
  6. Replace the clean and dry screens and rehang your curtains.

Pro tips for cleaning glass

DIY Glass Cleaner

Mix 2 cups of water with 1/2 cup of white vinegar or cider vinegar, and 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol (70% concentration). Pour into a spray bottle. For safety, label the bottle listing your DIY glass cleaner’s ingredients.

Alternatively, Isopropyl alcohol mixed with white vinegar produces a glass and mirror cleaner that will hold its own with commercial brands. It’s quick to evaporate and can also be used with great success on tiles, chrome, and other hard surfaces.

Stay calm, odour from vinegar fades quickly.

Distilled water is preferred, especially if your tap water is mineral rich (i.e. hard).

Know your squeegee

A squeegee in the wrong hands will push dirty water from the glass to the floor. That said, on tall and large windows and mirrors, a squeegee can be very helpful. And you can prepare for spills.

Tips for better squeegee use:

  • squeegee down from the top of the window
  • wipe the edge of the squeegee clean after each swipe to minimise dripping.

Seize the day?

Cleaning all your windows in one day, sounds good on paper. But it’s not a good idea in practice. You’ll see fewer missed areas and streaks and get better results by tackling the jobs room by room.

Strategic wiping

On one side of the window, wipe horizontally; on the other side, wipe vertically. This way, if further cleaning attention is needed, your wiping strategy will give clues to whether it’s needed inside or outside.

Detergent advice

Glass manufacturers recommend against the use of harsh detergents and solutions containing Hydrofluoric or Phosphoric acid. Detergent solutions that are pH neutral are good. Avoid the use of scourers, abrasive cleaners, harsh detergents and bleach on the frames. Instead use a soft brush or sponge and rinse all residues from the frames.

Top to bottom

For streak-free results, use gravity to your advantage. Clean from top to bottom. This way you won’t have cleaning solution trickling down over the areas you’ve just washed.

Send in the clouds

Cloudy days give you more time to properly wipe away the window cleaning solution to get a streak-free finish. Dirt on the glass shows better when the sun streams through but the cleaning fluid dries too quickly, usually leaving residue and streaks.

Swab the corners

When you clean glass, the corners of windows and mirrors are often where residue is trapped. Cotton swabs make an ideal tool to reach into those corners.

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